Episode 1:
First video in a series on the incredible production history of the 1925 silent classic “Ben-Hur,” covering both the year abroad in Mussolini’s Italy and its controversial completion in California.
Episode 2: “The Cosmic Arena”
What drove war-time general Lew Wallace to write “Ben-Hur,” and how was it reflected in the motives of his main characters?
Episode 3: June Mathis – Changes
How did “Ben-Hur” become June Mathis’ greatest achievement … and ultimate downfall?
Episode 4:
Bushman and Bayne: The Great Secret
How an illicit affair brought down Francis X. Bushman, the King of the Movies in 1918.
Episode 5: Sabotage!
What role did saboteurs play in the failure of the “Ben-Hur” company abroad in 1924? This is a distillation of my research for the historical novel “Cast Aside: With Bushman at the Unmaking of ‘Ben-Hur’ in Italy” from BearManor Media Books.
Episode 6: Hooks and Chains
Who took responsibility for the tragedy at Livorno, Italy in 1924? This is a true story. #benhur, #silentmovies, #classicfilm, #Italianmovies, #arnoldgillespie
Episode 7: Who Framed Charles Brabin?
Director Charles Brabin was married to screen legend Theda Bara and was hand-picked to oversee the epic “Ben-Hur” abroad. Yet he was replaced only half a year into the job. Was he set up to fail? Episode 7 raises the question “Who Framed Charles Brabin?”
Episode 8: Founders of Fake News
Meet the press agent sent to pull “Ben-Hur” out of the flames in Italy.